

/ 256 Paints

Paper Brown S10F4

A delicious brown-orange with peachy vibes; the most positive and energetic paint color this season that will enrich your life with happiness and optimism.

Pharaoh's Gem S28H9

A bright emerald green with blue undertones that reads luxurious and tropical; one of the most vivid paint colors this season, rendering growth, patience, harmony, and energy.

Breezy Half S40H1H

A breezy shade of soft blue full of life; a perfect trendy paint color to use in small and poorly lit spaces, with a bonus - it enlivens the room with its vibrant and uplifting properties.

Golden Sand S13H6

A sparkling orange-yellow shade with a standout personality; one of the best bright paint colors with a Retro body and a Modern mind.

Perplexed S44C2

A cheerful lavender-scented purple; one of the trendiest paint colors this season and a competitive lilac tone for exclusive and standard design projects inside and out.

Princess Pink S05E3

A sunny dusty rose diluted with nostalgia for the bright '80 trends and contemporary self-expressiveness; one of the trendiest bold colors on the Dulux's new palette.

Lexicon Quarter SW1E1

A trendy clean white with subtle snowy-blue undertones; one of the best white shades to pair with accent colors and a perfect refreshing and brightening base color.

Namadji SN4G8

A brown-charcoal paint with a black-like gray base radiating a warm earthy note of comfort; one of the highly-demanded dark paint colors on the market and a designers' favorite.

Research S15D8

A muted olive yellow-green symbolizing peace, earthy warmth, and harmony and bringing natural beauty, exploration, and hope to the table.

Basset Brown S09D8

A chocolate brown tone with a subtle reddish undertone reading as one of the best brown shades to connect with nature; feel safe and comfy at home with this richly grained earthy color.

Wasabi S17E2

A summertime-kissed pale green with subtle yellow undertones resembling the seasoning wasabi plant color that will add scent to your design and help you rediscover peace at home.

Whisper White SW1C2

A popular ivory-white tone that makes for a relaxing and timeless ambiance; it works great with any design style and color palette indside and out.

Showing 61 to 72 of 256 entries