
#living room rug

/ 9 Stories

Rock the New Trend: Top 15 Black Rug Ideas
Rock the New Trend: Top 15 Black Rug Ideas

Black accents in interior design are the most versatile and effective way to add style to any room. Since the…

How to Style a Checkered Rug Like a Pro
How to Style a Checkered Rug Like a Pro

The checkerboard pattern has always been a trend, even from ancient times. Moreover, paintings have revealed the use of this…

How to place a rug under a sectional sofa: tips and ideas for a perfect arrangement
How to place a rug under a sectional sofa: tips and ideas for a perfect arrangement

Linear sofa – furniture, no doubt, is universal and for all times. However, we cannot say that the popularity of…

Carpet trends 2022: comfort and style for every room of your house
Carpet trends 2022: comfort and style for every room of your house

Carpets are not very popular lately due to the development of styles that rely on a simple design. Therefore, its…

Rugs that go with green couch: 7 stylish combinations to keep you up-to-date
Rugs that go with green couch: 7 stylish combinations to keep you up-to-date

If you opted for a green couch in your room, consider yourself lucky, as such a bold step will definitely…

Living room rug placement guide: helpful tips and modern ideas
CarpetsLiving room
Living room rug placement guide: helpful tips and modern ideas

The living room may not have a floor lamp. You can do without curtains in it. And many go even…

What size rug for living room?: popular options and selection guidelines
CarpetsLiving room
What size rug for living room?: popular options and selection guidelines

The role of floor textiles in the living room is extremely difficult to overestimate. Even laconicism and a conservative attitude…

Rug for blue couch: colors, patterns, and styles
Rug for blue couch: colors, patterns, and styles

The blue couch is the choice of those who seek to bring as many colors as possible into their interior…

Rug for gray couch: colors, materials, and patterns
Rug for gray couch: colors, materials, and patterns

If you opted for a gray couch, all that remains is to praise your foresight. Indeed, furniture of this color…

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries